Terms and Conditions

Last updated: 11 October 2022

On this page

1. Product and Services

The products and services described in this website are available only to PNG residents and in relation to property in PNG. FinCorp regrets that, at this time, it cannot accept applications for these products and services from persons other than PNG residents.

Also the information contained in this website should not be regarded as promoting any product or service other than those offered by FinCorp in PNG. FinCorp does not accept responsibility for the compliance of this information with the laws of any other country. Accordingly, the information is not directed at persons in any other country and should not be relied upon by persons in any country other than PNG. If you plan to emigrate to PNG, you will be able to obtain further information about FinCorp products and services upon your arrival.

2. Promotions

3. Intellectual Property

FinCorp holds all copyright and other intellectual property rights in this website and reserves all rights, save as provided in this disclaimer. You may electronically reproduce and store the contents of this website solely for the purposes of viewing this website, or saving website content, for your own personal use. You may not display or distribute the content of any of these pages in public or where the content is accessible to the public, including any reproduction in any form on the Internet, without permission from FinCorp. Any infringement of FinCorp’s intellectual property rights will be fully enforced under PNG law.

4. Website Calculator

The calculator tool which may be used on this website from time to time is intended to be illustrative only. FinCorp does not represent or warrant the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of any information provided by this calculator.

5. Other Information

FinCorp has taken every care to ensure the information contained on this website is complete and accurate however, it does not represent or warrant the accuracy or completeness of any information on this website or that this information is suitable for your intended use. FinCorp accepts no responsibility or liability arising from or in connection with your use of this website and the information contained on it. Also, no information on this website is intended to constitute an offer to enter into any transaction or relationship, the promotion of any product or service other than those offered by FinCorp, or to provide the basis of any credit.

Please consult a FinCorp staff member before selecting a product or service or acting on the basis of information provided by this website.

6. Updates

FinCorp will endeavour to keep this website as up-to-date as possible, but all information contained on our website is subject to change, including interest rates and fees. All information is current at the time of publication, but if you are unsure of the timeliness of any information, please consult a FinCorp staff member before proceeding.

7. General

FinCorp is not responsible for any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred by you as a result of any error, omission or misrepresentation in relation to this website.

8. Law of this Website

This website is governed by, and is to be interpreted consistently with, PNG law.

9. Applications for Credit

All applications for credit are subject to FinCorp lending criteria. Applications for credit may also be subject to approval fees. Insurance costs may apply. For further information on fees or about a particular product or service, including full details of Terms and Conditions, please contact any branch of FinCorp.